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Standing At The Waterfront

Today I sat looking at my computer screen for what felt like forever, trying to figure out what to write. Writer's block comes to every writer now and then. But within that moment I could feel the sparks trying to light something within my imagination. And then suddenly, aha , the spark ignited! All that to say, trying to figure out what to write reminded me of the parallels of starting off this new calendar year. And it triggered thoughts I've had for a while about what makes this time of year so stressful for some yet joyful for others. What is it about seeing a new year on documents, journals, devices, etc that gives us those emotions? We all want to leave a mark on humanity. To do something truly amazing. Set aside your cynicism and doubt and really think about the things you want to do. I can name many things within my heart that I desire to do. See the world, fall in love, dive into the deep meanings of life just to name a few. Every human has a different desire or...

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